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St. James’ Committee Missions
Meetings held monthly (as needed)
Committee Charge: The Adult Education Committee is responsible for programs and formations to enlighten and continually educate St. James’ parishioners. The enlightenment process requires each to step beyond self awareness and recognize our human responsibilities as components of a greater reality. The committee recognizes that education can be a gateway to a better (enlightened) future. Primary examples of programs and formations are found in educational gatherings on Sunday mornings and several weekly bible study classes. Other prominent examples include guest speakers, book talks and study sessions, adult confirmation classes, and EFM series.
Chair: Sheri Cox, email:
Members: William Box, Gretchen Gulmon, Thad Hopper (JW), John Milner, Barbara Neil, Joe Russell.
Staff Liaison:
Meetings held bi-monthly
Committee Charge: The committee is responsible for the upkeep, maintenance, and beautification of the St. James’ buildings and grounds. The group reports, investigates, brainstorms, and analyzes concerns and issues in an effort to identify the ideal solutions for the campus. Work parties are regularly set with parishioners to manage small work details (work in flower beds, general & deep cleaning of specific areas, and decorations in the Narthex). The committee works very closely with the St. James’ office, particularly Judy Johnson and Charley Belote.
Chair: Price Chadwick, email:
Members: Jason Agostinelli, William Box, Randy Boyles, Alan Burrow, Limuel Eubanks, Leigh Grady (SW), Thad Hopper (JW), Kathy Kirchmayr, Coleen O’Brien, Walker Tann (V), Billy Ware, Colleen White, and (clergy).
Staff Liaison: Judy Johnson, Charley Belote
Meetings held quarterly during the school year.
Committee Charge: To assist children and adults in drawing closer to God. We do this by offering and living into The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, liturgical events for children and families, and a variety of experiences and classes for children and adults that nurture spirituality and build Christian community. In addition to The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd on Sunday mornings, events and offerings have included but are not limited to: Adult education offerings, Wet Wednesdays in the summer, Vacation Church School, Christmas Pageant, Flowering of the Cross, Easter Vigil Support, Summer Sunday Church School, a Children’s Gardening program on Wednesday nights, Third Grade Bible presentations, assisting with Baptismal preparation and presenting a small gift to the candidates, a Music and Movement Class (M & M’s) for pre-school and toddler ages, a Parent/Toddler Atrium, support to Children’s Choir, support to Shrove Tuesday and other parish-wide events, stewardship offering for children, and social or service activities for elementary children and their parents. To join, please contact Meredith Aldridge,
Chair. Chair: Meredith Aldridge, email:
Members: Ben Aldridge, Elizabeth Boone, Megan Conner, Jess Eddelman, Carter Milner, Matt Milner, Amanda Runnels, Meriwether Truckner, Dorothy Wofford, Walker Tann (V),Tara Coxwell
Staff Liaison: Mary Nell Prichard
Meetings typically held every 2 months or more frequently as necessary.
Committee Charge: The committee’s focus is directed at early childhood programs (till 5 yrs old) at St. James’. Primary areas of discussion include the planning and execution of the school fundraiser, registration and enrollment for the upcoming year, and notations about the school/nursery staff, curriculum, and reflection of program success and areas for improvement. Further topics include updates on hiring and staff performance, enrollment statistics, and campus improvements related to the early childhood program.
Chair and staff liaison: Kathryn Briscoe, email:
Members: We have not selected new committee members for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year. The committee is formed at the beginning of each school year in August.
Meetings held as necessary
Committee Charge: The Endowment Committee solicits donations and bequests to the Endowment and provides oversight of the investment of Endowment funds. The St. James’ Endowment is an enduring legacy that provides funds for maintenance of and capital improvements for the buildings and grounds of St. James’. The funds of the Endowment are kept separate from the operating and other accounts of the church, and the Endowment Committee is separate and distinct from the vestry. A stated goal is for the Endowment to provide a perpetual source of funds for maintenance and capital improvements of the St. James’ campus and buildings. Examples of Endowment fund expenditures include roof repairs, replacement and servicing of air conditioning and heating units, enhanced lighting, and other physical plant repairs.
Chair: Randy Boyles,
Member: Leigh Grady (SW), Thad Hopper (JW), Jay Jacobus, Johnny Lang, Joe Myers, Barbara Neil, Bubba Shirley, Frances Ware.
Staff Liaison: The Reverend Elizabeth Wheatley-Jones
Monthly meeting
Committee Charge: The Finance Committee takes the vision and priorities of the clergy and vestry and translates those areas into a financially quantified balanced budget. The committee actively discusses budgeted items that are materially running in a surplus/deficit throughout the budget year. The committee works closely with the Rector and Parish Administrator to develop a balanced budget that addresses all the Parish needs. Key discussion points include: addressing Parish needs when budgeted revenues are falling behind, working to fulfill unfunded pledges, and advising the Rector on servicing outstanding loans.
Chair: Bernard Booth, email
Members: Ben Aldridge, Guy Boyll, Andrew Grady (V), Leigh Grady (SW), Thad Hopper (JW), Mark McDowell, Elisa Phillips, Crymes Pittman, Tommy Shepherd, Mike Upton, and The Reverend Elizabeth Wheatley-Jones (clergy).
Staff Liaison: Judy Johnson
Meetings held quarterly (minimally), more often as required
Committee Charge: The Liturgy & Worship Committee serves as a logistical planning committee for the liturgies of the church at St. James’. This group functions to plan and prepare liturgical/worship services, in accordance with the Church calendar. Prominent examples include liturgies associated with Advent and Christmas, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, and All Saints. The committee also assists in liturgical customaries for pastoral offices such as weddings and funerals.
Permanent membership includes the Rector and other clergy, Organist/Choirmaster, and leadership from Alter Guild, Flower Guild, Acolyte Master, lead Verger, lead Usher, Head Lector
Staff Liaison: Michael Beattie, Jonathan Trotter, Kathy Stephens
Bi-monthly meeting
Committee Charge: The Newcomers Committee is charged to provide a visual and welcoming presence prior to worship services and afterward. Parishioners and visitors are encouraged to make a nametag; information is available to visitors. If the opportunity is available, assistance is provided to the visitor on campus. When a visitor completes the pew card, a newcomer volunteer follows through on the information by delivering homemade bread to their doorstep. After the priest has called the visitor early the next week, a volunteer calls them as well. The committee chair possibly matches them with a "shepherd" volunteer to get them woven into the parish activities which may take several months. Additionally, the committee receives input and information from St. James’ clergy, staff, and other parishioners during this process. Visitors and new members will be invited to an informal gathering at a parishioner's home held periodically to get to know our priests and other St. James' members. The committee routinely considers other forms of hospitality as the occasion presents itself.
Chair: Catherine Hames*, email:
Members: Meredith Aldridge, Lena Barlow, Alex Bondurant*, Whitney Bondurant, Randy Boyles*, Jennifer Bracken, Lea Ann Deavours*, Thad Hopper (JW), Pam Helms*, Melissa Hutchison*, Michele Jack, Ray Lewis, Lynn McArthur, Jason McCarty, Ellie Mills, Joe Myers, Barbara Neil, Ann Nichols, Coleen O’Brien, Mary Rawson*, Catie Stoltzfus, Lorraine Street, and Mary Williams.
Staff Liaison: Kathy Stephens*
*Administrative Committee, members without the asterisk are bakers. shepherds, and home hospitality.
Monthly meeting
Committee Charge: St. James’ is a church family committed to doing for others in God’s Kingdom. Outreach is the means by which we reach out to the community, outside our church doors, to our neighbors near and far, known and unknown. The Outreach Committee provides oversight and coordination for the allocation of outreach grants from St. James’ to those in need in our community. The group serves at the behest of the Rector/clergy under the direction of the Vestry. Our annual budget reflects our financial commitment to outreach with 20 percent dedicated to outreach efforts and Diocesan support.
Chair: Maura Jelliffe, email:
Members: Larry Allen, Arin Atkins, The Reverend Gates Elliott (clergy), Michael Harrison, Maura Jelliffe, Kathe Levanway, Carol Mann, Jason McCarty, Susie Puckett, Cathey Russell, Karen Taylor, & Denise Wheeler.
Staff Liaison: Jan Thornton
Meetings are held monthly (as needed)
Committee Charge: The Parish Life Committee is responsible for planning the social events of the church in an effort to foster relationships and build our parish community. The group provides the oversight and planning of these gatherings, including: coordination of promotional materials, purchasing materials and supplies, organizing hosting responsibilities, and post-event activities (take-down, cleaning, etc). Notable parish life events include the Banquet of Abundance, Red Beans & Rice Festival, Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras celebration, and the Habitat for Humanity Drawdown. Prominently, the Saintly Chefs are a mainstay of the Parish Life Committee, providing fabulous food offerings for many of these events. Importantly, the Parish Life Committee is closely aligned with a variety of other committees and special functions, including Foyers Groups, spring/fall picnics, the ECW, and church-sponsored book talks.
Chair: Joy Aycock
Members: Suzie Adcock, Barber Boone, William Box, Jennifer Bracken, Jess Eddleman, The Reverend David Elliott (clergy), Ouida Holland, Iris Isaacs, Barbara Neil, Angie Noble, Coleen O’Brien, Meriwether Truckner, Guy Wilkins, Leigh Ann Wilkins.
Staff Liaison: Jan Thornton
Meetings held bi-monthly
Committee Charge: The committee seeks to serve parishioners unable to attend worship services, programs, and activities due to illness, disability, or other health factors that limit their participation in parish life activities. Committee is made of “team captains” with respective teams of 8-10 persons. Teams may be called upon to deliver meals to parishioners, send brief notes/letters, or a simple visit (ministry of presence). Team captains coordinate with their team and information flows from the clergy/staff to the captains. Similarly, team members report updates or special needs back through their captain. Subgroups include Long-term Pastoral Care, Prayer Chain, Shawl Ministry, Families with new babies, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, and the St. Martha’s Guild (funeral hospitality).
Chair: Margaret Deavours, email:
Members: Ann Bemis, Steve Boone, Lea Ann Deavours, Babs Fowler, Alison Harkey, Denise Wheeler, Jan Wofford, Jane Roper, the Rev. David Elliott (clergy), and The Reverend Elizabeth Wheatley-Jones (clergy).
Staff Liaison: Kathy Stephens
Meetings are held as needed, mostly during the months of July through October
Committee Charge: The Stewardship Committee is primarily charged with promoting and leading the congregation in annual giving in gratitude and to the glory of God for the ministry of St. James’. The work of stewardship is grounded in our understanding that God made us stewards of creation, giving us a deep awareness that all that we are and all that we have come from one source, God our creator. Our giving, then, flows from gratitude from all that we have been given.
Chair: Joe Sherman, email:
Members: Leigh Grady (SW), Thad Hopper (JW), Bernard Booth (previous chair).
Staff Liaison: Judy Johnson
Monthly meeting
Committee Charge: Developed to provide structured programming and scheduling for 6th -12th grade children and their unique ministry. The committee provides an advocacy for youth in our parish and ageappropriate activities, consistent with other age groups in the church. Committee members discuss a variety of educational formats and activities as they relate to the growth and benefit of the children of St. James’. Typical themes for discussion include spiritual formation, service work, scheduling, programming, fundraising, building relationships, and having clergy present in the lives of teens.
Chair: Vacant
Members: Liza Booth, Lee Anne Bryan, Leigh Grady (SW), Thad Hopper (JW), Gretchen Kimble, Susan Murphy.
Staff Liaison:
(SW)- Senior Warden (JR)- Junior Warden (V)-Vestry