What To Expect
St. James’ is a place of welcome. From the moment you step on campus, we want you to feel comfortable. We are often asked questions about what to expect in regards to our Sunday worship services. Here are a few questions and answers you might find helpful in preparation for your Sunday visit with us.
Q: What should I wear?
We invite you and your family to dress in whatever way you feel is comfortable and appropriate.
Q: Where is the church located?
Our church is located in Jackson at 3921 Oakridge Drive. For more info, click here. You may park in our parking lot or on Oakridge Drive and Hawthorne Street.
Q: Is there a nursery?
Childcare is available in our Sunday Nursery. Our youngest children are welcomed into a safe and rich learning environment which operates on the basic principles of love and respect. We believe that the young child has an inner guide and a strong desire to fulfill his/her potential.
Our nursery is open from 8:30 am to 12:15 pm. Children 0-2 yrs. may attend during the 9:00 & 11:05 services and during Church School; 3 & 4 yrs. may attend during the 9:00 & 11:05 services and will be brought into the church for Eucharist. The nursery is located on the 1st floor Gray Hall.
Q: Where should I sit?
Wherever you would like!
Q: What does the service look like?
All morning services use The Book of Common Prayer (the red pew book) and the Hymnal 1982 (the blue pew book). You will receive a bulletin/leaflet when you enter the church which will help guide you through the service. If you get lost, just ask someone for help! We are happy to help guide you through our worship service. Our services usually last around one hour.
Q: Who receives Holy Communion? How is Holy Communion received?
All of our Sunday morning services are Holy Eucharists, more commonly known as the Holy Communion, the Mass, or the Lord’s Supper. All baptized Christians, no matter your denomination or age (children are welcome), are welcome to receive communion.
Come forward to the altar rail as the ushers direct you and take the next available place. You may kneel or stand. Receive the bread on your open right palm. You may then drink directly from the cup (just help the cup bearer guide the chalice to your lips) or you may dip the bread into the smaller cup.
If you do not wish to receive communion, please come forward for a blessing (a special prayer). To receive a blessing, please cross your arms over your chest.
Whether you wish to receive communion or a blessing or remain seated, please feel welcome.
Q: Is there Sunday School/Adult Education?
Yes! Please see the list in the banner at the top of the page or check our Upcoming Events page for details.
Our Sunday School and Adult Education hour starts at 9:50 am. We have Sunday School for children and youth, as well as several different educational offerings for adults. For more info on our Sunday School/Adult Education offerings, please call our church office at 601-982-4880.
Please fill out a visitors’ card and drop it in our offering plate when you visit. And make yourself known to one of the priests. If you have any questions about planning your Sunday visit or about St. James’ in general, please contact our church office at 601-982-4880.