- church governance -
A Vibrant & Fun Community
Tommy Shepherd, Senior Warden
Leigh Grady, Junior Warden
According to the Constitution of St. James’ Episcopal Church, the Vestry consists of the Rector, the Junior and Senior Wardens and fifteen parishioners (five elected each year for three-year terms). The Vestry adopts an annual budget for the Parish and sets forth broad policies for the Parish, such as customaries for weddings and funerals and guidelines for the use of our space by third parties. The Vestry makes monthly calls to Parishioners to receive prayer requests that are offered at each monthly Vestry meeting. The Junior and Senior Wardens, in addition to serving on the Vestry, meet weekly with the Rector to help establish priorities in the Parish, offer advice and counsel to the Rector on important matters, and assist with developing Vestry agendas and items for consideration by the Vestry.
The St. James’ budget is based on the projected revenue from the Pledge Drive and is $1.479 million for 2020. For 2020, there are 376 pledging units. The vestry presents the proposed budget at the Annual Meeting, giving the parish an opportunity to see how their monetary gifts are used and to approve the budget.
The recently established Endowment Committee solicits donations and bequests to the Endowment and provides oversight of the investment of Endowment funds, creating an enduring legacy to provides funds for maintenance of and capital improvements for the buildings and grounds of St. James’ Church. Endowment funds are kept separate from the operating and other accounts of the church, and the Endowment Committee is separate and distinct from the vestry.
St. James’ 2020 Budget by
Category of Expense
Administration $ 1,066,483.40
Property $ 155,950.00
Programs $ 64,407.60
Community Presence $ 192,505.00
Total $ 1,479,346.00
Parish Administer Judy Johnson has worked at St. James’ since 1985. Judy handles all financial records and manages the kitchen, facility and cleaning staff.
Choirmaster Jonathan Trotter joined the staff as choirmaster in August 2020. He also serves as the Director of Choral Activities at Millsaps College.
Organist Michael Beattie joined the staff in August 2020. Michael is also in his 16th year as President and Executive Director of the Mississippi Symphony Orchestra.
Director of the Children’s Choir Sarah Aultman.
Director of the St. James’ Preschool Whitney Veazey since 2018. Whitney came to this position after eight years in the classroom and with a degree in elementary education. She is also responsible for oversight of the Sunday morning nursery.
Director of Children and Family Ministries Mary Nell Prichard began working with the Catechesis Program 35 years ago, joining the staff in 1986. She has served on the Board of the National Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Association and, as a formation leader for the Association, has trained catechists throughout the country.
Catechesis Assistant Jess Edelman is part-time.
Director of Youth Ministry Patrick Kangrga joins the staff on September 1, 2020. Patrick has seven years of experience in youth ministry and comes to St. James from California.
Office Manager Kathy Stephens manages membership, pastoral care, and all bulletins in addition to providing administrative support for the clergy and program staff.
Assistant Parish Administrator Jan Thornton brought her skills in marketing, interior design and project management to parish communications, including our website, social media, and community contacts. Jan also manages building and grounds use, and support for the Parish Life and Outreach Committees.
Chief Cook and Chef Marcus Anderson not only provides meals for Wednesday night suppers, he also cooks lunches for several St. James’ partners in serving the needy in our community.
Sexton Ray Shaw keeps our church and parish buildings clean and sets up for events like Wednesday night suppers and meetings of AA and other outside groups.
Facilities Manager Charley Belote is responsible for general repair and upkeep of the buildings and grounds.