The Family as Church: Good Friday


Making a Cross on Good Friday



Good Friday – Cross making, prayer, song 

The cross is the symbol of Jesus. When we see a cross, we remember both Jesus’ death and resurrection. We remember that Jesus is near. 

Invite your family members to explore the yard and collect items from nature that could be used to make a cross. Look for sticks or vines to make your cross free-standing or you may choose flowers, leaves, pebbles and make your cross on the ground. Be creative. Spend some time outside enjoying nature and thinking about the cross that you will make. 

Ask God to come near you while you make the cross.  

The cross can be tied together with any string or vine you have on hand. Because today is Good Friday, leave your cross plain. On Holy Saturday or Easter Day, you can decorate your cross with flowers. 

Prayer: Once your cross is finished, find a peaceful place to sit in silence and gaze at your cross. See what prayer you might say to God. Listen for what you might hear during the silence. If you like, a candle can be lit as you sit in prayer. 

Opening Prayer for Sitting with your cross: God, thank you for all the gifts of nature and of life. As, I sit in silence with this cross that I have made, let it speak to me.  Let me remember that in the vast history of the Kingdom of God, you loved humankind so much that you came to be with us in the person of Jesus. Amen. 

Song idea: Be still and Know

Cross Making Photo.jpg